
Mobile application UI design

Project: Mobile UI Design

Duration: 2 months

Team: Individual

Tools: Miro, Adobe XD, Zoom


Project consisted wireframing and initial UI design for a startup based in The Netherlands to be launched soon. Product is a wishlisting social platform where users can form and share their wishlists on other platforms with the loved ones. Acoordingly, product's target group is mostly millenials. My objective in the project was designing a mobile application which catches millenials' attention, easy and fun to use with minimum interaction possible.


As IT team was already coding the application when I joined the team, my aim was delivering the design deck as soon as possible. Accordingly, I started from wireframing and prototyping phase.

Market Research & Analysis

After receiving the sketches from the founder of the App, I needed to start with wireframing. As I have been briefed for an application simple and easy-to use, I focused on efficiency, learnability and ease-of-use on my wireframes. Considering there was no time and budget available for the research phase, I made a market research by my own and listed my findings regarding the appliactions which had similar target groups or use objectives. Below is my findings:

  • To the point in-app messages
  • Easy registration with minimum steps possible
  • Starting screen: Login Page
  • Preferably one action button per screen
  • Back button present on each screen
  • Simple background and font colors
  • Informal narrative

After listing out my findings and communicating them to the founder, I proceeded with wireframing the application.


Below are some examples from the wireframe screens I designed. As I mentioned above, I tried to be as precise as possible to decrease ambiguity level and provide a smooth experience for the users.


After sharing the wireframes I designed and getting feedback from the client, I first made a mood board for the design.

Then, I moved forward to prototyping the application.


As this project was my first UI only project, I have struggled with no time to make research or test during the design process. This made me unsure about the decisions I made during the project. Accordingly, I have decided not to take projects only aiming for UI design lacking empathize, define, ideate and test steps of the Design Thinking process.

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